Initial Release – Welcome To A New Era Of Process Management 🥳🎉


In the realm of business process management, true innovation often lies in simplicity and intuition. The launch of aiones marks such an innovation, not through extravagant promises, but by fundamentally rethinking how businesses approach process design and discovery.

This tool, emerging from the convergence of AI and years of practical consulting experience on processes and automation, represents a subtle yet profound shift in the landscape of process management.

What Is Aiones

Picture a world where process discovery is as natural and effortless as a conversation. That’s the world aiones is crafting. Born from the need to streamline the often tangled web of process information, aiones offers a unique blend of AI-driven interaction and deep process understanding.

It’s less about replacing human expertise and more about augmenting it, ensuring that every step in a process is captured not just in its form, but in its essence.

Our Core Offering

aiones brings a suite of practical, yet almost magical, benefits to the table – that enable you and your company to accelerate business process design and discovery phases.

  • Effortless Process Lifting: Imagine transforming conversations into comprehensive process reports and data for your up- and downstream applications, where AI does the heavy lifting, making discovery more about insights and less about logistics.
  • Unified Process Knowledge: With aiones, the scattered puzzle pieces of process information find their place, creating a coherent picture of how work flows and evolves within an organization.
  • Always-On Discovery: aiones doesn’t sleep. It’s always there, ready to capture a process insight, a sudden burst of creativity, or a critical operational tweak, anytime and anywhere.
  • Empowerment Through Simplicity: aiones democratizes process knowledge, allowing anyone to contribute without needing to be a process guru. It’s about making everyone a part of the process journey.
  • Finding the Unseen: Beyond mapping what is, aiones excels in uncovering what could be, identifying opportunities for improvement and innovation in the flow of everyday tasks.
  • And more

The Journey Ahead

Embarking on your journey with aiones is like unlocking a new level of understanding in your business. Integrating aiones, either as a cloud solution or a tailored hybrid on-premise system, is a straightforward step into a world of more insightful and efficient process management.

The roadmap for aiones includes expanding its linguistic capabilities, enhancing collaboration features, and continually refining its AI to adapt to the ever-evolving business landscapes.

In the story of business processes, aiones is less about adding a new chapter and more about starting a whole new book — one where process discovery is intuitive, inclusive, and ingeniously simple.

Jump On Board

We are happy to announce that we are opening up an early access phase.
This will allow us to get feedback from peers and customers, and develop aiones into a viable product to launch publicly.

We seek and rely on customer feedback – and would love to welcome you onto the journey.
You can sign up here and we will get back to you, as soon as possible, to onboard you and your team!

We are looking forward to hear from you
See you in our next blog post

Process Discovery Made Easy

Three Steps To Success

Step 1

Add Teams

Add one, ten or hundreds of people to your teams and discover at scale.

Step 2

Start Discovering

Exchange messages in private or group chats and uncover knowledge.

Step 3

Use Insights

Provide custom reports, answer questions or export to your other applications.

Allow Us To Explain More

Frequently Asked Questions

Business Process Discovery (BPD) involves the identification, mapping, and analysis of business processes in their current state to gain a comprehensive understanding of an organization’s operations and to uncover how processes are executed.

A systematic approach helps in documenting the current state of processes, which is essential for standardization, regulatory compliance, and process re-engineering efforts.

So far, Process Discovery has mostly been done through Process Management teams, holding workshops and assembling information manually.

One well known discipline that is often associated with the field of Business Process Discovery is Process Mining. This data driven approach allows to gain insights from event logs and data storages. 

Business Process Mining refers to the discipline of identifying, mapping, and analysing business processes through data driven approaches.

When Process Mining, known processes and workflows are followed up through and tested against event logs and data storages. 

The outcome is a detailed picture of how processes have actually been executed.

Business Process Discovery, the field aiones has focused on, features extraction of information from direct communications.

We believe the people working in your organization are the best source of knowledge to understand what you do and how you generate value.

Aiones can provide you with a detailled image of your process landscape, before data is accessible – or even before processes are established!

If you are able to use chat software, you are ready to use aiones!

It’s as easy as talking, and there is no existing knowledge required.

Aiones is a conversation based discovery system that will ask you questions about your organization, processes and tasks.

Piece by piece, a larger and more detailled picture will emerge – which in turn is used to provide you with answers to questions, tailor made reports or exports for applications and development. 


You can bring data from your business process management software, in the form of BPMN files – or you can provide any form of text based documentation.

But it is absolutely not required!
You can start by writing down what you currently do, and aiones will take over to ask you for more information.

We can discover with a single person, or hundreds of them!

It heavily depends on your need for accuracy.

We always suggest to include all of your employees, to draw information from a diverse pool of knowledge, and allow everyone the same access to this unique source of wisdom.

Another benefit is that you’ll be able to find and see deviations in specific countries, regions, teams or structures, if you include a wide range of your teams. 
But in the end, it is up to you!
You can always scale up at any time as needed.

Currently we feature the output of business process models as graphic and bpmn xml export, as well as the output of general process information in pdf reports.


There are two ways to test out aiones.

The first way is to access our free trial page, on which you can take part in a realistic discovery chat and generate outputs to your information. 

The second way it to book a demo and get an entry to our early access program!

More options to follow soon